Recycled Art | Bubble Wrap Stomp Art

I am so excited to share our latest recycled activity for Project Create and Recycle! It’s that time of month again where several bloggers get together to write about our favorite recycled crafts and activities. So far, we have written about cardboardstyrofoam , cardboard tubesegg cartons and lids. This month all of us bloggers are playing with bubble wrap and we got busy with some vestibular play to make some recycled art!

stomp painting with bubble wrap


Materials Needed

Washable Tempera Paint (Provided by
Large Paper Roll
Various sizes of Bubble Wrap

bubble wrap recycled art

Instructions for this Recycled Art

This recycled art activity is super simple to set up. We rolled out our craft paper roll (we got ours at our nearest home repair store in the painting section) and chose our paint colors.

Be sure to weigh down the paper on the ends so the wind doesn’t carry it away!

recycled craft bubble wrap art

Place the bubble wrap on top of your paint design and jump.

Bubble Wrap Painting

Pull off the bubble wrap to see what happened.

We absolutely fell in love with the results.  In  fact, we tested different types of bubble wrap and different techniques and let the fun flow!

painting bubble wrap

We kept this play as open ended as possible to allow for creativity and imagination to take its full effect. It was so fun to see what each boy chose to do. Stomping and jumping on the bubble wrap made for a full throttle, full energy painting experience.

Recycled Art Stomp Art

Talk about amazing outdoor fun! Bones really went to town once he was let loose. Once he had paint on his feet, he realized just how many different techniques he could use. He figured out how to get the bubble wrap to stick to his feet to allow him to jump around and create different textures and patterns.

Stomp Painting Recycled Art bubble wrap

Recycled Art Meets Sensory Play

Talk about art meets sensory! This recycled art activity presents so many opportunities for tactile, vestibular, proprioceptive and auditory play. You can’t really get many more sensory experiences in one activity.

The awesome thing about this activity is that it was open ended, allowing both boys to approach the play completely differently. Bones almost always creates through process without an end in mind. He creates, he moves, he does until he is done. Once he is complete, he usually has a remarkably beautiful creation that may or may not resemble something.

Stomp Art Bubble Wrap

On the other hand, his brother is always methodical, always has a plan, and always creates with purpose. I have only seen him create something abstract one time in his life and it bothered him to the umpteenth degree.

If you look closely, you can notice the difference in their sensory needs as well. Legoman probably only got one drop of paint on his feet (not sure how). While, Bones went all in and was covered to his knees.

Stomp Painting with Bubble Wrap


Be sure to follow the creator of this project, P is for Preschool, and many others of the co-hosts to stay updated each month.

Project Recycle Create

P is for Preschooler | Powerful Mothering | Afterschool for Smarty Pants | Still Playing School | Creative World of Varya | Mama Miss | There’s Just One Mommy | Little Bins for Little Hands | Peakle Pie | Sugar Aunts | Teach Me Mommy | Danya Banya | ALLterNATIVElearning | Widsom Knowledge Joy | Playtivities | Preschoolers Day by Day


Make your favorite craft. Give your children a some bubble wrap and see what happens. Recreate your favorite play scene. Make your own musical instruments or engineering project… the possibilities are endless. You choose.

Then we challenge you to share what you have done with that bubble wrap. For non-bloggers, feel free to post to Facebook or Instagram and use the hashtag #createrecycle so we can follow along.

For bloggers, we are offering a link-up.


Discover how to get siblings to get along even when all they do is annoy each other with the Sibling “Get Along” Poster Pack!

14 thoughts on “Recycled Art | Bubble Wrap Stomp Art”

    1. Lemon Lime Adventures

      LOVE! Let me know if you do it! I know its on our list to do again!

  1. FUN!!! My kids are huge bubble wrap fans. Will be stomping with them this week! Featured this in our Playful Preschool Planner this week =) Thanks for stopping by and sharing via Facebook!

  2. Pingback: Huge List of Activities for Outdoor Sensory Fun - The Chaos and the Clutter

  3. Pingback: Simple Ideas for Summer Family Fun - Lemon Lime Adventures

  4. Pingback: Bubble Wrap Stomp Art – Lesson Plans

  5. Pingback: 25 Bubble Wrap Crafts and Activities Kids Will Love

  6. Pingback: 15 Must Try Messy Play Activities Using Your Feet - Lemon Lime Adventures

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  8. Pingback: August Activity Calendar

  9. Pingback: Interesting Ways to Repurpose Bubble Wrap for Kids Crafts

  10. Pingback: Kids DIY: 15 Unconventional Ways You Can Use Bubble Wrap

  11. Pingback: Trampoline Activities for Kids - Everyday Best

  12. Pingback: Kids DIY: 15 Unconventional Ways You Can Use Bubble Wrap – Happy People

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