A few weeks ago I shared a story of how 5 little words changed my day and took me back. Its a story all mothers can relate to. So far, the response has been overwhelming. Stories from other mothers telling me their gumball moments. Each story hit home and brought me tears, laughter and a little bit of hope.

This gave me the idea to gather all the gumball moments in one place and share these amazing and uplifting stories. My hope is that you will share your gumball moment with me!

raining Gumballs a story of hope

What is a Gumball Moment?

A moment of peace. A moment of hope. A moment when you thought the world was against you and then in that moment… someone reached out. Someone said something that hit home or made you feel special. These are moments we take with us and save for a rainy day. Moments that get us through this tough thing they call motherhood!

To read more about my gumball moment… you can click through to read about the power of 5 little words and what happened the day a stranger told me I was a good mom!

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