5 Brilliant Constipation Tips for Kids

When your kid can’t go, life is not pretty or happy. In fact, constipation can be a huge problem in children and is much more common than you might think. I’ve seen my fair share of frustrated kids from my preschool years in the classroom to the numerous moms looking for advice in our sensory support group. No matter the age or cause, parents worry when they can’t help their kids get past this problem. That’s why I have turned to my poopology expert, Pedia-Lax, to get real constipation tips for kids from real parents and teachers.

Ease Constipation in Kids with these Simple 5 Tricks Today


5 Brilliant Constipation Tips for Kids from Real Moms and Teachers


“Oatmeal for breakfast. I have a recipe for pumpkin oatmeal cookies that work like magic.” ~ Becca

“I put flax seed into the coffee grinder. Then I sprinkle that … on everything. This is a two for one as it is good for the brain too.” ~Allie

I will sometimes make dried fruit and nut snacks for “dessert” that my son is happy to eat. The recipes generally are sweetened only with dried fruit and dates, are gluten free, most are egg free and some are nut free.” Saima

“Kids don’t eat enough veggies. Just sayin.” ~Karen


“My sensory kiddo drinks very little. I’ve tried SO many options. I know it’s one of the biggest for her troubles in this area.” ~Susan


“Warm bath and cycling legs, laying on their back and putting their legs in the air and pretending to be on a bike.” ~ Jen, Mother of a son born with chronic poo problems

Get your kids to rock back and forth while sitting on the potty, to refrain from straining and keep them seated. You can try this simple tip here! ~ Laura

“The squatty potty!” ~ Shelli

“I second the vote for the squatty potty!! ” ~Saima


“Getting kids to listen to their bodies and not “hold it in” – especially kids that are potty training don’t usually like to go poo-poo in the potty and often try to hold it or ask for a diaper/pull-up.” ~ Darla

“My daughter has been constipated her whole life, and it turns out it was a sensitivity to dairy. Two weeks of eliminating dairy and doing a gut repair, and she was regular for the first time in her life.” ~ Jodie

Pedia-Lax has teamed with one of my absolute favorite resources, Scholastic, to create No More Potty Problems as a resource for parents to find more information about helping their children with constipation.

Essential Oils 

Peppermint oil mixed with coconut so it’s really diluted placed on the stomach and massaged in clockwise motion.” ~ Cerys

“I would recommend oils personally… Digize and peppermint is what helps in our home. We just rub on the lower tummy diluted with coconut or olive oil.” ~Nicole

As you can see, moms and teachers are always on the lookout for tips and tricks to help with constipation. Because the truth is… constipation stinks!

Is Your Child Constipated These tips are great

The moral of the story?

There are several natural ways to help your children become more frequent! However, sometimes it isn’t as easy as a few quick tips. In fact, if you are reading this, you might have already tried all these things and you might be at your wits end.

Poop happens, but when it doesn’t, there’s Pedia-Lax. It’s the only line of products for relief of constipation made just for kids. Moms told Pedia-Lax they were frustrated with the limited selection of products available to help relieve their children’s constipation. So, the Pedia-Lax Professors of Poopology got to work and created this complete line of safe, easy-to-use products for constipation relief, specially dosed for children ages 2-11.

What tips and tricks have you tried with your kids to ease constipation struggles? I would love to hear them! Comment below or connect on Facebook!

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Pedia-Lax. The opinions and text are all mine.

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2 thoughts on “5 Brilliant Constipation Tips for Kids”

  1. Thank you for the info. Really an informative and helpful article. will surely share this. looking forward for more articles like this. Thank you once again.

  2. Pingback: One Simple Trick to End Bedtime Battles (Backed by Science!)

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