Super Fun Fall Sink or Float Science Experiment

The weather is cooling down. The air is turning crisp. The leaves are beginning to change. We’re settled in our back to school routine, and things are returning to “normal”. Whatever “normal” is for this house anyways.

See, my kids are bothered by hot weather, so we all breathe a sigh of relief when temperatures start to fall. Fall is perfect because we get a break from the intense summer heat, but it isn’t too cold to do fun water activities.

So since my kids are sensory seekers and science lovers, I typically look for activities that incorporate both elements. In this activity, we mixed sensory and science with the simple fall sink or float activity. My preschooler was delighted at the results, and she absolutely loved that this activity involved water!

Fall-themed sink or float science experiment, the perfect Fall science activity!

Fall Sink or Float Science Experiment

In this super fun Fall science experiment, kids learn about the density of objects by finding out which fall objects float, and which sink. It’s also a simple way to work on learning the scientific process. Make and record your predictions (hypotheses) and make sure you take notes on your results!

What You Need for the Fall Sink or Float Science Experiment

  • Fall leaves
  • Apple
  • Acorn
  • Mini pumpkin
  • Pencil
  • Eraser
  • Rock
  • Pinecone
  • Large jar

Fall-themed sink or float science experiment, the perfect Fall science activity!

How to do the Fall Sink or Float Science Experiment

Collect various “fall” objects from your yard or a park. Kids will love helping with this step, so don’t leave them out of the item selection process!

Fill a large jar about 2/3 of the way full of water.

Ask your kids which of the objects they think will float and which they think will sink.

Fall-themed sink or float science experiment, the perfect Fall science activity!

Drop the objects into the water one at a time and note if they sink or float.Fall-themed sink or float science experiment, the perfect Fall science activity!

Compare your kids’ guesses to the results. Were they right or wrong? Which object surprised them the most?

See if you and your kids can make any observations about the items that sink versus those that float. Are they bigger? Do they feel heavier? Do they have a certain shape to them?

Don’t forget to add your observations to your notes!

Fall-themed sink or float science experiment, the perfect Fall science activity!

Isn’t that Fall sink or float activity super fun? My kids just had a blast, and I loved knowing that I was exposing my girls to the scientific process in such a fun and simple way!

Looking for more STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math) projects and inspiration?

Looking for some more STEAM inspiration that use can use right now for the holidays? Instant gratification style? Check out the STEAM Kids Halloween Bundle! You can grab the STEAM Kids Book with 50+ Hands-on STEAM Activities AND STEAM Kids Halloween with fun and spooky STEAM activities to do all October long! It’s packed full of a year’s worth fun learning activities that will wow the boredom right out of your kids!

For More Adventures in STEM Learning, check out:

50 totally awesome STEAM Projects for Kids 


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