Simple Roadmap to Parenting Even the Most Challenging Kids

Inside: In this episode, we’re going behind the scenes of our book Calm the Chaos as we celebrate today’s release date. Join Jason and me as we talk about why we wrote this book, who we wrote this for, and how excited we are to see the ripple effects of the book as it comes out today.

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Guys, it’s finally here!

Today is the day we’ve been waiting for!!  Our book Calm the Chaos is out in the wild!

After four years of writing and testing and rewriting, it has now come to life.

I feel like all the days leading up to this, for the last two weeks, I’ve been saying…

“Oh my gosh, in five days!”

“Oh my gosh, in three days!”

“Oh my gosh, it’s almost here!”

And here we are. It still feels surreal that we finally get to share this with the world.

But before I go into an all-out party mode here, I want to take a step back and reflect on the incredible journey making the Calm the Chaos book has been.  Not just writing it, but also the families that became instrumental in making this book.

So let’s look behind the scenes (or pages).

Why We Wrote It

People would always say that there is no manual for parenting. 

Now, don’t get me wrong. There are tons of books out there on what to do when expecting a baby or what to expect with a one-year-old or a toddler. And after that, the books taper off.

When we really talk about how to navigate challenging situations in parenting, there are NOT a lot of resources out there.

You can barely find a book on what to expect when your kid won’t eat anything but beige food. Or a book on what to do if your kid refuses to go to school.

There are just so many things parents are not warned about.

So we wrote this book with this in mind: if parents get it and walk away with hope that things can change, knowing that they’re not alone and are not failures, then we’ve done our job.

Because if a parent feels seen and heard, knows there is hope and has a roadmap to get there, they will see so many more possibilities, not just for themselves but also for their kids. And when kids feel the same way, they will be empowered to do whatever lights then up, no matter if it fits the traditional mold. 

That alone can change the world significantly.

Who We Wrote This For

“Just think about the reader, the person this book is for.”  

Those were the words of my good friend Morgan while I was struggling to write the words for this book in a hotel room.

As I sat there, I began to picture this mom (or it could’ve easily been a dad) in Target with three kids in tow.  You can see it already, right? The big one running off to look at video games, despite Mom saying stay.  The middle one crying and stomping because you said no to a toy she wants. The little one sitting in a toddler seat pulling at her shirt to be nursed right there in Target. 

Mom trying to hold all the pieces but it’s just falling apart. 

And then, she looks to her left and sees a book called Calm the Chaos.  “I wish” she thinks as she picks it up and reads the first page. And in that moment, she thinks to herself, “Oh my gosh. She sees me. She gets my life.” 

THAT’S who this book is for. 

But it is also a book for parents who just want a better relationship with their kids. Or for grandparents to understand and support their children and grandchildren.

It’s even for you if you’re a teacher who wants to be that one person who sees these kids for who they are, or if you’re a principal wanting the kids and their families to feel seen and heard at your school.  This is the book for you.

I wish everyone out there could get their hands on this book. Because I know it will have a huge impact on your life.  Not because I’m tooting my own horn but because I have seen it work time and time again.

I’m so excited to see the progress in your family after reading this book. I mean it. I would love to hear from you via social media, Facebook message or email about your experiences.

To learn more about Calm the Chaos book and its whole journey, check out the full episode on YouTube

To lifelong learning,


– – –

Calm the Chaos Parenting is a podcast offering parents practical tools and strategies to navigate the challenges of raising strong-willed, highly sensitive, and neurodivergent children.

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